Massage has so many benefits, both for athletes and for everyday, sedentary people.
We live in such a fast-paced world, where we often don’t have the time, nor take the time, to stop, unwind, let go and relax. Consequently, our systems are often functioning on “overdrive”.
Massage gives us time to disconnect from the hustle and bustle of life, allowing ourselves to “just be” and receive treatment that accomplishes a great deal. Massage can be used both to soothe and to stimulate–depending on what one needs–impacting positively on our minds and bodies.

By soothing the nerves and muscles, you can “zone out” and relax, which helps your mind and disposition. Massage stimulates one’s circulation wonderfully, enabling nutrients and oxygen to reach tissues, and purging waste products from our systems. It helps break up muscle fibres and fascia that have bound together, which enables the tissue to be cleared of toxins and scar tissue, promoting and accelerating recovery to health again.
Massage helps to balance the body, by removing any tension spots and areas. Specific problem areas and injuries can be effectively addressed, and one should feel “more spacious”, more balanced, more relaxed and more released after treatment.
We look forward to promoting your health soon!